
Why Do Some Model Horses Shrink While Others Do...

A collector asked me this recently, and I really went down the rabbit hole in explaining.  I apologize to her... It was probably a much longer email than she was...


Surviving The Mongol Derby

Many of us have heard of the Mongol Derby, an incredible horseback endurance race, where riders get assigned local Mongol horses and swap horses at stops along the way.  I...

Top Easter Treats for Animal Lovers - 2024

It's nearly Easter, and if you're groaning at the thought of candy-filled baskets, we have a much better suggestion.  Model animals are more fun, healthier, and last a LOT longer...

Museum Putty Saves The Day (and the Horses)!

I received this email a while back, and had to share (with the collector's permission).  It's easy to overlook safety items like Horse Racks or Museum Putty when you're ordering... ...

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Author Cheryl Eriksen Takes Us on Her Healing J...

I first saw Cheryl Eriksen during the live broadcast of Breyerfest, 2023. She was there selling her first book, and as soon as I heard her speak, I went straight...

Triple Mountain Store Closed 11/5/2023 - Join U...

Hi everyone, We're bringing our Mobile Model Shop to Riding To The Top therapeutic riding facility on November 5th for their Community Fair event.  We hope you'll join us there! ...